A moment reminiscent of an unexpected reality show erupted during the trip that beloved ’90s star Alicia Silverstone was taking in England. The actress, known for her work in political and social activism as much as for her movies, took an adventurous (and potentially dangerous) turn during what was otherwise an uneventful travel scape. She posted a TikTok video that sent the platform’s subscribers into a frenzy — and it’s easy to see why. In the video, posted on August 19, 2023, Silverstone was asking for help with identification of an intriguing fruit she had found and bit into while wandering a garden. It turns out that the fruit, a Jerusalem cherry, is not the harmless snack it looks like.
Alisia Silverstone, known for her carefree attitude, has left many fans anxious and admiring with her recent activities. In what seems like a throwback to her ’90s iconic role in the movie Clueless, one fan humorously likened her to being “clearly clueless,” in what—on the surface—seems like a pretty dangerous situation. She is in good company, though. Silverstone isn’t the only one sampling weird plants and potentially toxic herbs. But her followers are seriously concerned about her mental well-being right now, after this video surfaced of Silverstone taking a big old chomp out of some suspicious-looking greenery. In short, everyone is freaking out, and they want updates.
As people across the globe hold their breath, Alisia’s representatives have a firm grip on the situation. Is the actress all right, or is there another curveball to this story that we will soon learn about? We can only wait and hope for an outcome that will have us all sighing in relief—preferably one that ensures Alisia is safely ensconced at home and not having any more run-ins with the plant world! 🌍🌿💬